Sunday, June 12, 2011

Gay Day at Disney World in Florida

 Sorry I lied two times... first off I said I'd make a post by last night and obviously I didn't... second I said it'd be about one of the topics I listed and it isn't... haha but sometimes I read about something and need to write about it right away.

Okay... so apparently the homosexuals down in Florida have a Gay Day at Disney World. On this day homosexuals go to Disney wearing a red shirt. So... whatever, it isn't a big deal... but of course you know it is to certain people. The Florida Family Association (FFA) decided to rent or buy a fucking plane and fly a banner over Disney warning people of the impending Gay Day...

Jesus FUCKING Christ... you'd think it was "convicted child molester" day or something. Some people are seriously fucked in the head and they somehow think gay people are "damaging" or "dangerous"... homosexuals are no more dangerous than the average person and I'd make a bet that they are LESS dangerous than the religious people. I don't see gays spending money to "warn" people of Christians. How fucking ignorant can you get?

I got a cool picture for all you ignorant Christians (and other religious people that think gays are "bad").

OH NO! You tell me you don't hate gays? You hate the sins they commit but not them? HAHAHAHAHAHAH Being gay is a big part of that person. Being gay is who they are... how they were born... you can't not (double negative I win) hate someone when you hate hard on a big part of who they are. 

Now I bolded the "family" in Florida Family Association because I love how often these anti-gay groups will label themselves as some heroes of the familial system. Two words for them... Fuck. You. First off the family system is so fucked it isn't even funny. It is more about controlling children and oppressing them than anything else. Not to mention that it is overly religious, even for non-religious people. The FFA isn't about family... they are about maintaining control over their kids thoughts. They want their kids to be religious and hateful toward anyone not like them. Imagine a child in a religious family telling the parents he/she is an atheist or switching religions? Oh wait... here is an example...

Oh but would I personally be pissed if my kids decided to be catholic instead of agnostic? NO of course not.. that is their decision, their faith. I wouldn't dare force or shame my child for a religious belief. Though chances are they aren't going to be religious.

Peace, Love, and Cheeeeeeeeeeeeks.... gay cheeks this time though.

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