Sunday, April 3, 2011

Females/Males and Casual Sex.

It has been a few days since my last post and today I had a great idea for a post... so here it is!

Let me start with a question. Why is it okay for males to have casual sex but for females it is often not okay? I have NEVER heard a legitimate answer that wasn't rooted in sexism. In our society men are often praised and even pushed to have sex with numerous females while females are often insulted for having casual sex (whore, slut, dirty, etc.). This is not good for either gender. I am going to separate this post into two parts giving my perception of the negative effects of these views for both males and females respectively.


Not only does this push males to treat girls who have sex with them casually (one night stands or any out of relationship sex) very poorly and with little respect... but it also pushes them to feel like they need to have sex. It makes men feel unworthy or less of a man if they aren't having a lot of sex or if they happen to be a virgin. I have seen many guys make stupid decisions because of this or they beat themselves up mentally for not having a lot of sex.In our society this also promotes the whole "men are dirty pig" for desiring sex so much. In America sex is still views as a "bad" or "dirty" thing. Most parents don't even tell their children what a penis or vagina is... they prefer to give those parts pet names (a very stupid idea I might add). So obviously when men are pushed to have sex in an anti-sex society men often get slapped with the label "pig".


It is a fact that females desire sex as much as men do. They also have the nerves to make sex pleasurable for them. Yet again thanks to puritanical America shit gets fucked up. Females are supposed to be "clean" and not have sex except if they are in a serious relationship or married. We can already see the implications of this view. Any female who has casual sex is automatically viewed as dirty. Not only do men enforce this stereotype but women do as well... often worse than men do. Parents often resist teaching their daughters about sex much more than for their sons. Daughters are not given nearly as much freedom as sons are when it comes to dating and boys. This creates many problems including, sneakiness, lying, anger, and self-hate.


This particular problem literally surrounds me. My Albanian family tries to be traditional and typically daughters are literally forbidden to have boyfriends while sons are given a ridiculous amount of freedom compared to girls. I will make a post specifically about my families situation one day.

So listen guys... stop calling girls sluts and whores.... think about it, without the girls that like to have sex and one night stands it would be significantly harder to have more sexual partners... something that would bother me personally. Ladies please treat your fellow female with respect. Whether it be jealousy or desire to ride high on your moral horse please remember that you too like to have sex and stop pretending you are better because you resist a harmless basic instinct.

In our day and age we have lots of methods of birth control and we can get ourselves checked for disease. Just remember to keep an eye on your drinks!

Peace, Love, and Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!!! Don't forget to wear your hats!

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