Thursday, March 31, 2011

Children and cursing.



Do those words mean anything to anyone? Probably not for many of you. If one saw a six year old girl running around saying, "Oh mut!" or "Qij!" they'd likely not even pay attention. Now how about this:



Chances are most people know exactly what those two words mean. If they saw a six year old saying them they would likely get mad... or feel as if the child had bad parents... but why?

If you didn't catch it... Qij means fuck and mut means shit in Albanian. To me the fact that people wouldn't care about a child cursing in Albanian (or any other language they don't understand) just shows that words only carry the meaning that we give them. Words are only as powerful or "offensive" as we let them be.

Why do people find it so bad when a child curses? Especially if they do it out of simple frustration? Why is it better for a child to say "poop you!" but not "fuck you!" when the feeling and emotion behind it is exactly the same for both? The words used are just different... different sounds are being produced by them ... that is it.

I have so many issues with the whole cursing thing. First of all... as stated above it just really doesn't make any logical sense to ban children from saying certain words. Secondly, enforcing this is difficult... not because children are naturally bad or some nonsense... but because, to the child, it makes no fucking sense to ban words. On top of this parents will likely curse in front of or even at their children... then these same parents have the audacity to try and tell their children that they aren't allowed to curse. That is the definition of hypocrisy.

So, because the child is likely not to listen for those two reasons parents are likely to employ punishment. Anything from grounding to spanking. Does anyone besides me see how fucking ridiculous that is?

Yes... let us falsely imprison a child in their room because of the sounds they put together with their mouth... let us physically assault a child because of the words uttered from their mouth. Most parents don't give a shit behind the emotion or reasoning of the curse. A child could say, "Oh fuck!" because they fell and scraped their knee and they will get in trouble... but if the child says, "you are a big mean dad!" with complete hatred behind it... it is okay because at least they didn't curse!

Let your children curse. Help them to understand that in our society there are times and places when cursing is inappropriate but it should never have to do with age.

Peace, Love, and Cheeeeeeeeks.... also.... fuck shit bitch!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When I said soon, I meant soon.

Now, bullying... it seems everyone and their mother has an opinion on how to stop bullying, myself included! When I hear, read, or see peoples suggestions in action... sometimes all I can do is shake my head other times I totally agree. People want to make laws (, blame teachers (, or blame parents ( Now sometimes I may agree... sometimes I don't. I don't see a point to "anti-bullying" laws. The ONLY reason they seem needed is because victims of bullies are forced to be in continued contact with the bullies. As for teachers... yes I do feel sometimes they do nothing, but at the same time they have no other options. Parents will come in complaining that their child is being accused of being a bully when they are total angels and would never bully anyone! The teacher may get in trouble. I feel the biggest reason for bullies is the parents. Research pretty much shows that bullying is done mainly by children who have parents who are abusive (physically, emotionally, sexually). Yet, with the current schooling setup... bullies will be unavoidable as it isn't easy to kick them out nor is it easy to switch classes or schools (especially for elementary aged children). So my answer is simply... self-defense. If my kid ever went to school (it's their choice) they'd likely fight back with a bully... there is a problem with this though.

Schools punish students for fighting back. Here is an example, watch this video:

Now let us assume that the skinny kid is an actual bully and isn't retaliating to past bullying... I am pretty sure the skinny kid was the bully and the fat kid was defending himself. If I am wrong let me know... anyway... it would be good to note that BOTH boys got suspended. What the fuck is that shit??? Seriously the school can't even pretend "der we don't know who started the fight" It is on camera! This is one of the biggest issues with bullying... children get PUNISHED for DEFENDING themselves.

Here is a great rant on this situation:

Another story (no videos sorry).

My little cousins friend was getting bullied and spit on by some kid in school. My little cousin (fed up with the treatment of his friend) decided to fight back. The bully spit on his friend and my little cousin gave him a nice right hook. The bully ran away crying straight to the principle. This bully had a reputation for trouble and yet my cousin got suspended (freedom for him in reality haha) and the bully got let off. A teacher even claimed to see all that happened. That makes completely no sense.

So anyway... I think the bullying issue will never be resolved unless they stop punishing self-defense.

Peace, Love, and Cheeeeeeeeks! Martial Arts help too!

My first post.

Welcome one and all to my blog. I decided to make this blog after attempting to vlog and failing because I didn't feel like putting the effort into making and editing videos. Typing up whats on my mind seems easier to me. I plan on giving my opinions on different issues and ranting. I will also probably do reviews on movies or tv shows and also posting silly stuff... whatever I feel like, it is my blog... if you don't like it you can always click the "X" on your browser haha. First real post coming soon!

Peace, Love, and Cheeeeeeeeeeeeks!